eurocheque是什么意思 eurocheque的读音、翻译、用法

eurocheque是什么意思 eurocheque的读音、翻译、用法


1. I need to cash this eurocheque at the bank.(我需要在银行兑现这张欧元支票。)

2. Can I pay with a eurocheque?(我可以用欧元支票支付吗?)

3. The hotel accepts eurocheques as payment.(这家酒店接受欧元支票付款。)

4. She wrote a eurocheque to her friend as a gift.(她写了一张欧元支票给她的朋友作为礼物。)

5. He lost his eurocheque and had to request a new one.(他丢了欧元支票,必须请求一张新的。)

6. The eurocheque system was introduced in the 1960s.(欧元支票系统于20世纪xx年代引入。)

7. You can use a eurocheque in any European country.(你可以在任何欧洲国家使用欧元支票。)

8. The eurocheque must be signed and dated.(欧元支票必须签名并注明日期。)

9. The bank charges a fee for processing eurocheques.(银行收取处理欧元支票的费用。)

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