1. Illinois is known for its beautiful cornfields.(伊利诺伊州以其美丽的玉米田而闻名。)
2. The capital of Illinois is Springfield.(伊利诺伊州的首府是斯普林菲尔德。)
3. Illinois has a rich history and culture.(伊利诺伊州有着丰富的历史和文化。)
4. The University of Illinois is a well-respected institution of higher learning.(伊利诺伊大学是一所备受尊敬的高等学府。)
5. Illinois is home to many famous politicians.(伊利诺伊州是许多著名政治家的故乡。)
6. The Chicago Cubs are a beloved baseball team in Illinois.(芝加哥小熊队是伊利诺伊州广受喜爱的棒球队。)
7. The Illinois River is a major waterway for transportation and recreation.(伊利诺伊河是一条重要的水路,用于交通和娱乐。)
8. Abraham Lincoln was a famous resident of Illinois.(亚伯拉罕·林肯是伊利诺伊州著名的居民。)
9. Illinois is a great place to live and work.(伊利诺伊州是一个生活和工作的绝佳地方。)