bar是什么意思 bar的读音、翻译、用法

bar是什么意思 bar的读音、翻译、用法




1. I like to go to the bar after work. (我喜欢下班后去酒吧)

2. The lawyer passed the bar last year. (那个律师去年通过了律师资格考试)

3. The chocolate bar is my favorite snack. (巧克力棒是我最喜欢的零食)

4. I need to do some pull-ups on the bar to strengthen my arms. (我需要在杠上做一些引体向上来加强我的手臂)

5. The police put up a bar to prevent people from entering the crime scene. (警察搭了一个栏杆来防止人们进入犯罪现场)

6. Can you give me a bar of soap? (你能给我一条肥皂吗?)

7. The pianist played a beautiful melody on the piano bar. (钢琴演奏家在钢琴酒吧演奏了一首美妙的旋律)

8. The bartender mixed a drink behind the bar. (酒保在酒吧后台调制一杯饮料)

9. The athlete broke the world record in the high jump by clearing the bar at 2.45 meters. (运动员在跳高比赛中翻过了高度为2.45米的横杆,打破了世界纪录)

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