'Dirofilaria immitis'是拉丁语,中文翻译为鼠疫丝虫。它是一种寄生在犬、猫等哺乳动物心脏和肺部的线虫,会导致动物心肺功能受损,甚至死亡。
1. Dirofilaria immitis是一种常见的犬、猫病原体,需要及时进行预防和治疗。
(Dirofilaria immitis is a common pathogen in dogs and cats, and timely prevention and treatment are necessary.)
2. 饲主如果发现宠物有呼吸困难、咳嗽等异常症状,应该及时带它去医院检测是否感染了Dirofilaria immitis。
(If the owner finds that the pet has abnormal symptoms such as difficulty breathing and coughing, they should take it to the hospital in time to check whether it is infected with Dirofilaria immitis.)
3. 由于Dirofilaria immitis的传播途径多种多样,宠物应该定期进行体检和防治。
(Because of the various transmission routes of Dirofilaria immitis, pets should undergo regular physical examination and prevention.)
4. 犬只感染Dirofilaria immitis后,会出现体重减轻、精神不振等症状。
(Dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis will have symptoms such as weight loss and lethargy.)
5. 猫感染Dirofilaria immitis后,常常表现出咳嗽、呼吸困难等症状。
(After cats are infected with Dirofilaria immitis, they often show symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing.)
6. Dirofilaria immitis的幼虫在蚊子体内生长发育,蚊子叮咬感染动物时就会传播该病原体。
(The larvae of Dirofilaria immitis grow and develop inside the mosquito's body, and when the mosquito bites an infected animal, it will spread the pathogen.)
7. 狗狗去海滩游玩时容易感染Dirofilaria immitis,需要做好预防措施。
(Dogs are easily infected with Dirofilaria immitis when playing on the beach, and precautions should be taken.)
8. 饲主平时要对犬只定期进行驱蚊防疫,以预防Dirofilaria immitis感染。
(The owner should regularly perform mosquito control and prevention on dogs to prevent Dirofilaria immitis infection.)
9. 在犬只的体内,Dirofilaria immitis会形成成虫并寄生在心脏和肺部,严重时会威胁到犬只的生命安全。
(In dogs, Dirofilaria immitis forms adult worms and parasitizes the heart and lungs, which can seriously threaten the dog's life safety.)