1. Huso huso是一种大型鲟鱼,产自黑海和里海。
(Huso huso is a large species of sturgeon found in the Black and Caspian Seas.)
2. Huso huso的鱼子酱是俄罗斯最高贵的美食之一。
(The caviar of Huso huso is one of the most sought-after delicacies in Russia.)
3. 切掉huso鲟鱼的头,然后切成厚片。
(Cut off the head of the huso sturgeon and then slice it into thick pieces.)
4. 这道菜需要使用huso鱼肉和淡蓝色的鱼子酱。
(This dish requires huso sturgeon meat and light blue caviar.)
5. 由于过度捕捞,huso鲟鱼已经受到了威胁。
(Huso sturgeon is endangered due to overfishing.)
6. 为了保护huso鲟鱼种群,一些国家已经限制了鱼类捕捞。
(To protect the huso sturgeon population, some countries have restricted fishing for the species.)
7. 在俄罗斯,huso鲟鱼被视为奢侈食品,只有少数人能够负担得起。
(In Russia, huso sturgeon is considered a luxury food and is only affordable to a few people.)
8. 将huso鱼肉沾上面包屑,然后在橄榄油中煎熟。
(Coat the huso sturgeon with breadcrumbs and fry it in olive oil.)
9. 被誉为“黑色黄金”的huso鱼子酱可以食用,也可以用来制作护肤品。
(The "black gold" caviar of Huso huso is consumed as a delicacy and also used in skincare products.)