John Sturges是什么意思 John Sturges的读音、翻译、用法

John Sturges是什么意思 John Sturges的读音、翻译、用法

'John Sturges'是一个英语名字。翻译为中文是“约翰·斯塔吉斯”。John Sturges是一位美国的电影导演,他的代表作品包括《七侠荡寇志》和《大逃杀》等。

以下是9个含有'John Sturges'的例句:

1. John Sturges was a talented director who made some of the most memorable movies of the 1950s and 1960s.(约翰·斯塔吉斯是一位才华横溢的导演,他制作了xx年代和xx年代最令人难忘的电影之一。)

2. The Magnificent Seven, directed by John Sturges, is a classic western that still holds up today.(由约翰·斯塔吉斯执导的《七侠荡寇志》是一部经典的西部片,至今仍然具有很高的观赏价值。)

3. John Sturges had a gift for creating tension and suspense in his films.(约翰·斯塔吉斯在他的电影中创造紧张和悬念的天赋。)

4. The Great Escape, directed by John Sturges, is a thrilling and inspiring film about the courage and determination of World War II prisoners of war.(由约翰·斯塔吉斯执导的《大逃杀》是一部关于二战战俘勇气和决心的惊心动魄的电影,令人振奋。)

5. John Sturges directed several films starring Steve McQueen, including The Great Escape and The Magnificent Seven.(约翰·斯塔吉斯执导了几部由史蒂夫·麦奎因主演的电影,包括《大逃杀》和《七侠荡寇志》。)

6. John Sturges was known for his attention to detail and his ability to bring complex stories to life on the screen.(约翰·斯塔吉斯以他的细节关注和将复杂故事呈现在屏幕上的能力而闻名。)

7. The film Bad Day at Black Rock, directed by John Sturges, is a tense and suspenseful drama set in a small town in the American West.(由约翰·斯塔吉斯执导的电影《黑岩庄园的恶日》是一部紧张和悬疑的戏剧,设定在美国西部的一个小镇上。)

8. John Sturges was a master of the action genre, and his films often featured thrilling chase scenes and explosive set pieces.(约翰·斯塔吉斯是动作片的大师,他的电影经常出现引人入胜的追逐场景和爆炸性的设定片段。)

9. The film Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, directed by John Sturges, is a classic western that tells the story of the legendary gunfight between Wyatt Earp and the Clanton gang.(由约翰·斯塔吉斯执导的电影《O.K.牛仔镇枪战》是一部经典的西部片,讲述了Wyatt Earp与克兰顿帮派之间的传奇枪战故事。)

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