'iDG'是英文中的缩写词,全称为“Interactive Digital Game”,翻译为“交互式数字游戏”。它是指一种基于计算机或移动设备的电子游戏,玩家可以通过交互方式进行游戏,可以是单人、多人或在线的。
1. I love playing iDGs with my friends on the weekends.(我喜欢和朋友在周末玩iDG游戏。)
2. The iDG market has been booming in recent years.(近年来,iDG市场正在蓬勃发展。)
3. iDGs are a popular form of entertainment among teenagers.(iDG游戏是青少年喜爱的娱乐形式之一。)
4. He spent the entire day playing iDGs and forgot to eat.(他整天都在玩iDG游戏,忘记了吃饭。)
5. The graphics in the iDG are so realistic.(iDG游戏中的图形非常逼真。)
6. I prefer iDGs over traditional board games.(我喜欢iDG游戏胜过传统的桌游。)
7. The iDG industry is worth billions of dollars.(iDG游戏产业价值数十亿美元。)
8. Many schools have started using iDGs as part of their curriculum.(许多学校已经开始将iDG游戏作为课程的一部分。)
9. She turned to iDGs as a way to relieve stress after a long day at work.(她在工作了一整天后,以iDG游戏来缓解压力。)