'Bellview Airlines'是英语,中文翻译为贝尔维尤航空公司。这是尼日利亚的一家航空公司,成立于xx年,总部位于拉各斯。Bellview Airlines主要提供国内和国际航班服务,包括非洲和欧洲等地区。该公司在经营过程中曾经遭遇过一些安全事故,导致一些人员死亡,最终于xx年关闭。
以下是9个含有“Bellview Airlines”的例句:
1. Bellview Airlines的航班延误了两个小时。
Translation: The flight of Bellview Airlines was delayed for two hours.
2. 我曾经坐过Bellview Airlines的航班,服务很好。
Translation: I have taken a flight with Bellview Airlines before, their service is great.
3. Bellview Airlines的机票价格比较合理。
Translation: The ticket prices of Bellview Airlines are reasonable.
4. Bellview Airlines的机场值机柜台在哪里?
Translation: Where is the check-in counter of Bellview Airlines at the airport?
5. Bellview Airlines的飞机起飞了吗?
Translation: Has the plane of Bellview Airlines taken off?
6. Bellview Airlines的空乘员工很友好。
Translation: The cabin crew of Bellview Airlines are very friendly.
7. Bellview Airlines的飞机在哪个航站楼停靠?
Translation: Which terminal does the plane of Bellview Airlines park at?
8. 我通常都会选择Bellview Airlines的航班。
Translation: I usually choose flights operated by Bellview Airlines.
9. 我在网上订了Bellview Airlines的机票。
Translation: I booked a ticket of Bellview Airlines online.