1. 我的家乡在中国广东省中部的中山市。My hometown is in Zhongshan in central Guangdong Province, China.
2. 张先生是一位来自中山市的企业家。Mr. Zhang is an entrepreneur from Zhongshan.
3. 中山纪念堂是中国近代革命的象征之一。The Zhongshan Memorial Hall is one of the symbols of the modern Chinese revolution.
4. 我们下周要去中山参加一个展览会。We are going to Zhongshan to attend an exhibition next week.
5. 中山公园是一个非常适合休闲散步的好地方。Zhongshan Park is a great place for leisurely walks.
6. 在中山购买电子产品比在其他地方便宜。Buying electronic products in Zhongshan is cheaper than in other places.
7. 前往中山的机场需要大约一个半小时的车程。It takes about an hour and a half by car to get to the airport in Zhongshan.
8. 我们在中山的一家酒店预订了房间。We booked a room at a hotel in Zhongshan.
9. 中山是一个有着悠久历史和文化的城市。Zhongshan is a city with a long history and culture.