1. Gunnerales是一类仅由少数物种组成的科。
(英文:Gunnerales is a small and monophyletic order.)
2. 炮仗花科的植物大都分布在热带和亚热带地区。
(英文:Most species of the family Gunneraceae are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions.)
3. 炮仗花科的植物叶形多样,有长形、椭圆形、倒卵形等。
(英文:Leaves of the plants in the family Gunneraceae are diverse in shape, including linear, elliptic, and obovate.)
4. 炮仗花科的植物常常被采来用于制作花束和装饰。
(英文:Plants from the family Gunneraceae are often picked for making bouquets and decoration.)
5. 炮仗花科的植物叶子和果实中所含的类黄酮对人体有一定的保健作用。
(英文:Flavonoids contained in the leaves and fruits of Gunneraceae plants have certain health benefits for human beings.)
6. 炮仗花科的植物根系发达,适合种植在沙质土壤中。
(英文:Gunneraceae plants have well-developed root systems and are suitable to be grown in sandy soil.)
7. 炮仗花科的植物果实通常是狭长的荚果。
(英文:Fruits of Gunneraceae plants are usually narrow and podlike.)
8. 炮仗花科的植物常常会开出鲜艳的花朵,赏心悦目。
(英文:Plants from Gunneraceae usually bloom with bright and showy flowers, which are delightful to the eye.)
9. 炮仗花科的植物的种子含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,是一种营养丰富的食品原料。
(英文:Seeds of Gunneraceae plants are rich in protein and fat, and are a nutritious food raw material.)