1. Thiamine is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates.(硫胺素对于碳水化合物的代谢是必不可少的。)
2. A lack of thiamine can lead to beriberi.(缺乏硫胺素会导致脚气病。)
3. Thiamine is found in many foods, such as whole grains, beans, and meat.(硫胺素存在于许多食物中,例如全谷物、豆类和肉类。)
4. If you have a thiamine deficiency, you may experience weakness and fatigue.(如果你缺乏硫胺素,你可能会感到虚弱和疲劳。)
5. Thiamine supplements are often taken by people who drink heavily.(那些喝酒较多的人经常服用硫胺素补充剂。)
6. Thiamine is important for nerve function.(硫胺素对神经功能很重要。)
7. Thiamine can help convert food into energy.(硫胺素可以帮助将食物转化成能量。)
8. Certain medical conditions may require thiamine injections.(某些医疗状况可能需要注射硫胺素。)
9. Thiamine deficiency is rare in developed countries but can still occur in people with poor diets.(发达国家很少见到硫胺素缺乏症,但在饮食不良的人群中仍可能发生。)