Dixieland是什么意思 Dixieland的读音、翻译、用法

Dixieland是什么意思 Dixieland的读音、翻译、用法



1. The band played a lively Dixieland tune to get the audience dancing.(这支乐队演奏了一首活泼的狄克西乐曲,让观众跳起了舞。)

2. Many jazz clubs in New Orleans feature Dixieland music.(新奥尔良的许多爵士乐俱乐部都演奏狄克西乐。)

3. The Dixieland Festival attracts audiences from all over the world.(狄克西乐音乐节吸引了来自世界各地的观众。)

4. The Dixieland sound is characterized by its use of horns and improvisation.(狄克西乐的声音以使用号角和即兴表演为特点。)

5. Some of the greatest jazz musicians started out playing Dixieland.(一些最伟大的爵士音乐家起初是从演奏狄克西乐开始的。)

6. The Dixieland band played a slow, mournful song at the funeral.(狄克西乐乐队在葬礼上演奏了一首缓慢、哀伤的歌曲。)

7. The Dixieland revival in the 1950s brought the music back into the mainstream.(20世纪xx年代的狄克西乐复兴将这种音乐重新带回了主流。)

8. The Dixieland style often incorporates elements of blues and gospel music.(狄克西乐风格通常融合了蓝调和福音音乐的元素。)

9. The Dixieland band played a jazzy version of the traditional Christmas carol.(狄克西乐乐队演奏了一首带有爵士风格的传统圣诞颂歌。)

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