1. Epinotia是李子及苹果的主要害虫之一。(中文翻译:Epinotia is one of the main pests of plum and apple.)
2. Epinotia的幼虫往往在果实内部越冬。(中文翻译:The larvae of Epinotia often overwinter inside the fruit.)
3. Epinotia会在果实上覆盖厚厚的白色粉末。(中文翻译:Epinotia can cover the fruit with a thick layer of white powder.)
4. 通过捕捉Epinotia的雄蛾,可以有效地控制它们的繁殖。(中文翻译:By trapping male moths of Epinotia, their reproduction can be effectively controlled.)
5. Epinotia对这个地区的苹果种植业造成了很大的经济损失。(中文翻译:Epinotia has caused significant economic losses to the apple industry in this region.)
6. 合理使用杀虫剂可以有效地防止Epinotia的侵袭。(中文翻译:Proper use of insecticides can effectively prevent Epinotia from invading.)
7. Epinotia的幼虫在果实内部构建一个小型的蛹室。(中文翻译:The larvae of Epinotia construct a small pupal chamber inside the fruit.)
8. Epinotia的成虫通常在晚上活动,难以被裸眼观察到。(中文翻译:Adults of Epinotia usually are active at night and difficult to observe with the naked eye.)
9. 对Epinotia的研究有助于寻找更有效的防治方法。(中文翻译:Studying Epinotia can help find more effective methods for prevention and control.)