'Gianfranco Zola'是意大利的词语,翻译为“詹弗兰科·佐拉”,是一位前意大利足球运动员和现任足球教练。他在AC米兰、帕尔马、切尔西等球队效力,并代表意大利国家队参加过三届世界杯。目前,他是英冠球队伯明翰城的主教练。
以下是9个含有'Gianfranco Zola'的例句:
1. 在AC米兰的两个赛季,詹弗兰科·佐拉打进了27个进球。
(During his two seasons at AC Milan, Gianfranco Zola scored 27 goals.)
2. 佐拉是一名技术型前锋,他的传球和射门能力都非常出色。
(Zola was a technical forward who had excellent passing and shooting ability.)
3. 在切尔西担任助理教练期间,佐拉帮助球队赢得了两个FA杯冠军。
(As an assistant coach at Chelsea, Zola helped the team win two FA Cup championships.)
4. 佐拉在xx年首次代表意大利国家队亮相,在接下来的xx年里为国家队出场35次。
(Zola made his first appearance for the Italy national team in 1989, and played 35 times in the following decade.)
5. 在佐拉的执教下,伯明翰城在英超联赛中表现良好,一度排名联赛前列。
(Under Zola's guidance, Birmingham City performed well in the Premier League and were once ranked high in the league.)
6. 佐拉是意大利足球历史上最伟大的球员之一,他的技术和创造力被广泛赞扬。
(Zola is one of the greatest players in the history of Italian football, and his technical skill and creativity are widely praised.)
7. 在佐拉的职业生涯中,他获得了多项荣誉,包括三次意大利杯冠军和一个欧洲联赛冠军。
(During his playing career, Zola won several honors, including three Italian Cup championships and a UEFA Cup championship.)
8. 佐拉在帕尔马的表现让人印象深刻,他帮助球队赢得了xx年UEFA杯冠军。
(Zola's performance at Parma was impressive, as he helped the team win the 1999 UEFA Cup championship.)
9. 在佐拉的带领下,切尔西曾经创下了连续21场不败的纪录。
(Under Zola's leadership, Chelsea once set a record of 21 consecutive unbeaten games.)