1. 'SanDisk'是美国的词语,中文翻译为“闪迪”。
2. SanDisk是一家成立于xx年的美国存储产品公司,主要生产各种存储卡、U盘、SSD等。
3. 我的相机里用的是SanDisk的存储卡,它非常可靠。(英语)
The memory card in my camera is made by SanDisk and it is very reliable. (中文)
4. 我的电脑里用的是闪迪的U盘,传输速度非常快。(中文)
The USB drive in my computer is made by SanDisk and it has a very fast transfer speed. (中文)
5. SanDisk的SSD可以大大提升电脑的启动速度和运行效率。(中文)
SanDisk's SSD can greatly improve the boot speed and efficiency of a computer. (中文)
6. 我用的手机里面装的是SanDisk的存储卡,可以储存很多照片和视频。(中文)
The memory card in my phone is made by SanDisk and it can store a lot of photos and videos. (中文)
7. SanDisk是世界著名的存储产品品牌,它的产品在全球广受欢迎。(中文)
SanDisk is a world-renowned storage product brand and its products are popular worldwide. (中文)
8. 我买了一台闪迪的移动硬盘,可以轻松备份我的电脑数据。(中文)
I bought a SanDisk portable hard drive that allows me to easily backup my computer data. (中文)
9. SanDisk的存储卡有不同的存储容量,满足不同用户的需求。(中文)
SanDisk's memory cards come with different storage capacities to meet the needs of different users. (中文)