TMM并不是一个国家的语言,它是英语中的一个缩写词,全称为'Too Much Information(过多的信息)'。这个词语常常被用来表示某个人提供了过多的信息,导致听众感到不舒服或者无法承受。
1. TMM,请别告诉我你的床上用品多久没有更换了。(Too much information, please don't tell me how long you haven't changed your bedding.)
2. 这个电视节目有些TMM,让我感到不适。(This TV program is a bit TMM, it makes me uncomfortable.)
3. TMM,我不需要知道你吃了多少饭。(TMM, I don't need to know how much food you've eaten.)
4. 我认为他的问题有点TMM了,我不想回答。(I think his question is a bit TMM, I don't want to answer.)
5. TMM,我不需要知道你的症状。(TMM, I don't need to know about your symptoms.)
6. 这些细节真是TMM,让我感到尴尬。(These details are really TMM, they make me feel embarrassed.)
7. TMM,我不需要知道你的收入。(TMM, I don't need to know about your income.)
8. 请不要过多地分享你的私人生活,这个话题有点TMM。(Please don't share too much of your personal life, the topic is a bit TMM.)
9. 他的问题很TMM,让我感到尴尬,所以我选择不回答。(His question was very TMM, it made me embarrassed, so I chose not to answer.)