port arthur是什么意思 port arthur的读音、翻译、用法

port arthur是什么意思 port arthur的读音、翻译、用法

"Port Arthur"是指中国辽宁省旅顺口区的一个港口城市,也被称为旅顺或大连口。此地曾是清朝的军事要塞和日本的殖民地,也是日俄战争的战场之一。现在是一个重要的旅游景点和港口城市。


1. 我们计划明年夏天去旅顺参观“义和团博物馆”和“旅顺口炮台”。(中文翻译:We plan to visit the "Boxer Museum" and the "Port Arthur Fortress" in Lushun next summer.)

2. 日俄战争中,日本军队曾经占领过旅顺口。(中文翻译:In the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese army occupied Port Arthur.)

3. 我朋友在旅顺的一家餐厅工作,他介绍了旅顺特色菜肴给我。(中文翻译:My friend works at a restaurant in Port Arthur and introduced me to the local cuisine.)

4. 旅顺有一座很古老的灯塔,可以俯瞰整个港口。(中文翻译:There is an ancient lighthouse in Port Arthur that overlooks the entire port.)

5. 旅顺的冬天非常冷,但是夏天很热。(中文翻译:Winter in Port Arthur is very cold, but summer is very hot.)

6. 旅顺有很多历史遗迹,是一个非常有意思的旅游目的地。(中文翻译:Port Arthur has many historical sites and is a very interesting tourist destination.)

7. 我们来到旅顺的时候正值一场大雨,但是还是很喜欢这个城市。(中文翻译:When we arrived in Port Arthur, it was raining heavily, but we still liked the city.)

8. 旅顺的港口非常繁忙,每天都有很多船只停靠。(中文翻译:The port of Port Arthur is very busy, with many ships docking every day.)

9. 在旅顺的海边走走,感觉非常舒服。(中文翻译:Walking by the sea in Port Arthur is very comfortable.)

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