1. The veterinarian discovered that the dog was infected with Coccidia, a type of intestinal parasite. (兽医发现这只狗感染了球虫,一种肠道寄生虫。)
2. Coccidia can be spread through contaminated food and water, so it's important to practice good hygiene. (球虫可以通过污染的食物和水传播,因此良好的卫生习惯非常重要。)
3. The presence of Coccidia in the feces is a sign that your pet may be suffering from a parasitic infection. (粪便中有球虫存在,是你的宠物可能患有寄生虫感染的迹象。)
4. The treatment for Coccidia involves medication to kill the parasites and supportive care to relieve the symptoms. (球虫的治疗包括用药物杀死寄生虫和支持性护理来缓解症状。)
5. Coccidia can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration in young animals, so it's important to seek veterinary care promptly. (球虫可以引起幼年动物严重的腹泻和脱水,因此及时寻求兽医治疗非常重要。)
6. Coccidia infections are common in livestock, and can lead to significant economic losses for farmers. (球虫感染在畜牧业中很常见,可能会给农民带来巨大的经济损失。)
7. The use of antibiotics can sometimes make Coccidia infections worse, so it's important to consult with a veterinarian before starting any treatment. (使用抗生素有时会加重球虫感染,因此在开始任何治疗前请咨询兽医非常重要。)
8. Coccidia can be diagnosed through a fecal examination, which can detect the presence of the parasites in the stool. (可以通过粪便检查诊断球虫,该检查可以检测粪便中寄生虫的存在。)
9. Immunocompromised individuals, such as those with HIV/AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy, are at increased risk of severe Coccidia infections. (免疫系统受损的个体,例如患有HIV/AIDS或正在接受化疗的人,患严重球虫感染的风险增加。)