1. Oxymonadida is a phylum of flagellated protists that includes species inhabiting the digestive tract of termites.('氧接合原生动物'是一种具有鞭毛的原生生物门,包括生活在白蚁消化道内的物种。)
2. The existence of oxymonadida was first discovered by scientists in 1983.(科学家于xx年首次发现了'氧接合原生动物'的存在。)
3. Some species of oxymonadida have been found to play a crucial role in the digestion of cellulose in the gut of termites.(已发现某些'氧接合原生动物'物种在白蚁肠道内对纤维素的消化具有关键作用。)
4. The phylogenetic relationship between oxymonadida and other protist groups is still under investigation.('氧接合原生动物'与其他原生生物群体之间的系统发育关系仍在研究中。)
5. The diversity of oxymonadida species is largely dependent on their host organisms.('氧接合原生动物'物种的多样性很大程度上取决于它们的寄主生物。)
6. The metabolism of oxymonadida involves the conversion of carbohydrates and amino acids into energy.('氧接合原生动物'的代谢涉及将碳水化合物和氨基酸转化为能量。)
7. The flagella of oxymonadida are used for both motility and feeding.('氧接合原生动物'的鞭毛既可用于运动,也可用于进食。)
8. The genome sequencing of some oxymonadida species has provided insights into their unique metabolic pathways.(对某些'氧接合原生动物'物种进行的基因组测序为研究它们的独特代谢途径提供了新的见解。)
9. The study of oxymonadida has implications for the development of novel biotechnology applications in the field of renewable energy.(研究'氧接合原生动物'对于在可再生能源领域开发新型生物技术应用具有重要意义。)