cure是什么意思 cure的读音、翻译、用法

cure是什么意思 cure的读音、翻译、用法



1. The new medication cured her of her illness.(这种新药治愈了她的疾病。)

2. There is no cure for the common cold, but rest and fluids can help.(普通感冒没有治愈方法,但休息和饮水可以帮助。)

3. The doctor believes that surgery is the only cure for her condition.(医生认为手术是她的病情唯一的治愈方法。)

4. The herbal remedy is said to cure many ailments.(这种草药疗法据说可以治愈许多疾病。)

5. Sadly, there is still no cure for cancer.(遗憾的是,癌症仍然没有治愈方法。)

6. The antibiotic cured the infection quickly.(抗生素很快就治愈了感染。)

7. The therapist helped him to cure his depression.(治疗师帮助他克服了抑郁症。)

8. The company claims that their product can cure baldness.(这家公司声称他们的产品可以治愈秃顶。)

9. Time is often the best cure for a broken heart.(时间往往是治愈破碎的心的最好方法。)

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