cadmium是什么意思 cadmium的读音、翻译、用法

cadmium是什么意思 cadmium的读音、翻译、用法



1. The use of cadmium in manufacturing of batteries has been significantly reduced. (将镉应用于电池生产中的比例已大幅减少。)

2. Cadmium is a highly toxic metal that can cause serious health problems. (镉是一种高度有毒的金属,可以导致严重的健康问题。)

3. The cadmium content in the water samples was found to be above safe levels. (检测出水样中的镉含量超出安全水平。)

4. The artist used cadmium red paint to create a vibrant color. (艺术家使用镉红色颜料创造出生动的色彩。)

5. The production of cadmium telluride solar cells has increased in recent years. (近年来,镉碲太阳能电池的生产增加了。)

6. Cadmium plating is commonly used in aerospace and military applications. (镀镉常用于航空航天和军事应用。)

7. The worker was advised to wear protective clothing to avoid exposure to cadmium. (工人被建议穿戴防护服以避免接触镉。)

8. The cadmium levels in the soil were found to be higher near industrial areas. (土壤中的镉含量在工业区附近更高。)

9. Cadmium is one of the elements in the periodic table. (镉是周期表中的元素之一。)

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