1. Dingxi是甘肃省一个美丽的城市,这里有漂亮的风景和友好的人民。Dingxi is a beautiful city in Gansu Province, with beautiful scenery and friendly people.
2. 甘肃定西是中国的一个历史悠久的地区,有着丰富的文化遗产和自然景观。Dingxi, Gansu is a region with a long history in China, with rich cultural heritage and natural landscapes.
3. 去Dingxi旅游,可以品尝到地道的甘肃美食,同时还能欣赏到壮观的自然风光。Traveling to Dingxi, you can taste authentic Gansu cuisine while enjoying spectacular natural scenery.
4. Dingxi是甘肃省的一个工业基地,有着广阔的经济发展前景。Dingxi is an industrial base in Gansu Province, with vast economic development prospects.
5. 甘肃省Dingxi市政府近年来推出了一系列的扶持政策,吸引了越来越多的投资者前来投资。In recent years, the Dingxi municipal government in Gansu Province has launched a series of support policies, attracting more and more investors.
6. Dingxi的农产品出口量不断增加,为当地的经济做出了重要的贡献。The export volume of agricultural products from Dingxi is constantly increasing, making an important contribution to the local economy.
7. Dingxi是甘肃省的一个重要的旅游城市,每年吸引了大量的游客前来旅游。Dingxi is an important tourist city in Gansu Province, attracting a large number of tourists every year.
8. Dingxi的交通发达,可以轻松地前往周边的城市和景点。Dingxi has developed transportation, making it easy to travel to surrounding cities and attractions.
9. 在Dingxi,你可以体验到真正的农村生活,与当地人交流,感受到他们的热情和友好。In Dingxi, you can experience real rural life, communicate with locals, and feel their warmth and friendliness.