apax是什么意思 apax的读音、翻译、用法

apax是什么意思 apax的读音、翻译、用法



1. The athlete reached the apax of his career and won his fourth Olympic gold medal.(这位运动员达到了他职业生涯的顶峰,赢得了他的第四枚奥林匹克金牌。)

2. The singer's latest album has reached the apax of the music charts.(这位歌手的最新专辑已经达到了音乐排行榜的最高点。)

3. The stock market has reached its apax, and many investors are worried about a possible downturn.(股市已经达到了顶峰,许多投资者担心可能出现下跌。)

4. The temperature has reached the apax of the summer, and people are trying to find ways to stay cool.(气温已经达到了夏季的最高点,人们正尝试找到方法保持凉爽。)

5. The company's profits have reached their apax this year, thanks to the successful launch of a new product.(该公司今年的利润已经达到了最高点,这要归功于一款新产品的成功推出。)

6. The team's performance has reached the apax, and they are now looking forward to competing in the championship game.(团队的表现已经到达了顶峰,他们现在期待参加冠军赛。)

7. The artist's skill has reached its apax, and his paintings are now highly sought after by collectors.(这位艺术家的技艺已经到达了最高点,他的画作现在备受收藏家追捧。)

8. The mountain climber finally reached the apax of the peak, after a grueling ascent.(登山者终于攀登到了山峰的顶峰,在经历了一次艰苦的攀登后。)

9. The city's population has reached its apax, and the local government is trying to find ways to manage the growth.(该城市的人口已经到达了最高点,当地政府正在尝试找到管理增长的方法。)

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