Harlan County是什么意思 Harlan County的读音、翻译、用法

Harlan County是什么意思 Harlan County的读音、翻译、用法

'Harlan County' 并不是一个国家的语言,而是一个地名,它位于美国肯塔基州的东部,是一个历史悠久的煤矿产区。这个地名经常出现在与工人运动和劳资关系有关的文章、电影和歌曲中。



1. The miners in Harlan County went on strike for better wages and work conditions.(哈兰县的矿工罢工要求更好的工资和工作条件。)

2. The documentary film "Harlan County, USA" chronicles the struggles of coal miners in the 1970s.(纪录片《美国哈兰县》记录了xx年代煤矿工人的斗争。)

3. Harlan County is known for its rich coal reserves.(哈兰县以其丰富的煤炭储量而闻名。)

4. The union organizer traveled to Harlan County to talk to the miners.(工会组织者前往哈兰县与矿工交谈。)

5. The songs of the Harlan County miners reflect their struggles and hopes.(哈兰县矿工的歌曲反映了他们的斗争和希望。)

6. The coal companies in Harlan County resisted the union's demands for better pay and safety measures.(哈兰县的煤矿公司抵制了工会要求更高工资和安全措施的要求。)

7. The Harlan County strike of 1973 was one of the longest and most violent labor disputes in American history.(xx年的哈兰县罢工是美国历史上最长、最激烈的劳资纠纷之一。)

8. The film "Matewan" tells the story of a coal mine strike in Harlan County in 1920.(电影《麦特万》讲述了xx年哈兰县一次煤矿罢工的故事。)

9. The miners in Harlan County formed a union to fight for their rights and dignity.(哈兰县矿工组建工会为争取自己的权利和尊严而战。)

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