'Linguatula'是拉丁语词汇,意为“小舌”,用于描述一种节肢动物,也被称为“舌吸虫”(tongue worm)。这种寄生虫通常寄生在哺乳动物的喉咙和鼻腔中,包括狗、猫、牛、羊、鹿等。
1. La Linguatula在这只羊的鼻子里寄生。(Linguatula parasitic in the nose of this sheep.)
2. Linguatula在我的宠物狗的喉咙里被发现了。(Linguatula was found in my pet dog's throat.)
3. 这种舌吸虫很容易感染人类。(This type of tongue worm is easily infective to humans.)
4. 我们需要采取措施防止Linguatula的传播。(We need to take measures to prevent the spread of Linguatula.)
5. Linguatula是一种危险的寄生虫,会危害动物的健康。(Linguatula is a dangerous parasite that can harm the health of animals.)
6. Linguatula可以在牧民的家畜中很常见。(Linguatula is common in the livestock of herdsmen.)
7. 我们需要密切监测家畜是否受到Linguatula寄生的影响。(We need to closely monitor whether livestock is affected by Linguatula parasitism.)
8. 饲养和处理动物的时候要小心,以免感染Linguatula。(Be careful when raising and handling animals to avoid infection with Linguatula.)
9. 专家建议给家畜进行定期检查以确保Linguatula不会影响它们的生长。(Experts recommend regular check-ups for livestock to ensure that Linguatula does not affect their growth.)