1. ace player:一流选手
2. ace in the hole:握有绝密底牌
3. hold all the aces:占尽优势
4. ace up one's sleeve:有隐藏优势
5. ace a test:考试得高分
6. an ace mechanic:技术高超的机修工
7. service ace:发球得分
8. ace of spades:黑桃A
9. flying ace:空中王牌
1. The ace pitcher led his team to victory.(这位王牌投手带领队伍取得了胜利。)
2. She always has an ace up her sleeve in negotiations.(她总是在谈判时有隐藏的优势。)
3. He was the ace in the hole for the company during the crisis.(在公司危机时期,他是救命稻草。)
4. She aced the final exam with a perfect score.(她在期末考试中取得了完美的高分。)
5. He worked as an ace mechanic for a famous racing team.(他曾经是一支著名赛车队的技术高超的机修工。)
6. The tennis player served a beautiful ace to win the game.(这位网球选手发了一个漂亮的发球得分赢得了比赛。)
7. The ace of spades is the highest card in the deck.(黑桃A是牌堆中最高的牌。)
8. The flying ace shot down five enemy planes during the war.(这位空中王牌在战争中击落了五架敌机。)
9. She is considered an ace in the field of computer programming.(她在计算机编程领域被视为一流选手。)