'Paul Erdos'是匈牙利的词语,中文翻译为保罗·埃尔德什。
以下是9个含有'Paul Erdos'的例句:
1. Paul Erdos一生写了300多篇论文。
Paul Erdos wrote more than 300 papers in his lifetime.
2. 我们今天学习了Paul Erdos的一篇论文。
We studied a paper by Paul Erdos today.
3. Paul Erdos一直致力于研究组合数学。
Paul Erdos dedicated himself to researching combinatorics.
4. Paul Erdos曾经与其他著名数学家合作解决了一个数学难题。
Paul Erdos collaborated with other renowned mathematicians to solve a mathematical problem.
5. 保罗·埃尔德什以独特的思维方式闻名于世。
Paul Erdos was renowned for his unique way of thinking.
6. Paul Erdos经常被称为数学界的流浪汉。
Paul Erdos was often referred to as a mathematical vagabond.
7. 我们的老师给我们讲述了Paul Erdos的职业生涯。
Our teacher told us about Paul Erdos' career.
8. Paul Erdos曾经说过:数学是我们与上帝的对话。
Paul Erdos once said, "Mathematics is our dialog with God."
9. 许多数学家们都梦想能够像Paul Erdos一样旅行四方进行研究。
Many mathematicians aspire to travel and research like Paul Erdos did.