Stephen Hawking是什么意思 Stephen Hawking的读音、翻译、用法

Stephen Hawking是什么意思 Stephen Hawking的读音、翻译、用法

"Stephen Hawking"是英国的词语,用中文翻译为“斯蒂芬·霍金”。他是英国著名的理论物理学家和宇宙学家,被誉为“时空之父”。


1. Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England in 1942.(斯蒂芬·霍金于xx年出生于英格兰牛津。)

2. Hawking’s major works include A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell.(霍金的主要作品包括《时间简史》和《宇宙简史》。)

3. Hawking was diagnosed with a motor neuron disease at the age of 21.(霍金在xx岁时被诊断出患有运动神经元疾病。)

4. Hawking spent most of his career at the University of Cambridge.(霍金大部分职业生涯都在剑桥大学度过。)

5. Hawking’s research focused on the origins of the universe and black holes.(霍金的研究重点是宇宙起源和黑洞。)

6. Hawking’s contributions to science earned him numerous awards, including the Albert Einstein Medal.(霍金在科学领域的贡献使他获得了众多奖项,包括阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦奖章。)

7. Hawking was known for his witty sense of humor and his popular appearances on television shows.(霍金以他机智的幽默感和在电视节目中的受欢迎露面而闻名。)

8. Despite his physical disability, Hawking continued to work and inspire others until his death in 2018.(尽管身体残疾,霍金仍坚持工作并激励他人,直到xx年去世。)

9. Hawking’s legacy has inspired countless people to pursue a deeper understanding of the universe and the laws of physics.(霍金的遗产激励了无数人追求对宇宙和物理定律更深入的理解。)

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