'Ammodytoidei'不是任何国家的语言,而是生物学中鳐目鲛亚目(stingray-like orders)中的一个分支,包括了一些棘鳐鱼科(stingaree)的物种。在生物学文献中,'Ammodytoidei'分类学单元经常被提到。
1. The Ammodytoidei is a small suborder of stingrays that includes about 50 species.('Ammodytoidei'是一个包括约50个物种的小型鳐亚目,属于棘鳐鱼科。)
2. The Ammodytoidei species are widely distributed in the temperate and tropical coastal waters around the world.('Ammodytoidei'物种广泛分布于全球温带和热带沿海水域。)
3. The classification of Ammodytoidei is still under debate among taxonomists.('Ammodytoidei'的分类仍在分类学家之间争议不断。)
4. Some Ammodytoidei species are commercially important for their meat or skin.(一些'Ammodytoidei'物种因其肉或皮革而有商业价值。)
5. The Ammodytoidei have disc-like bodies with a long, pointed tail and a venomous spine.('Ammodytoidei'的身体呈圆盘状,尾部长而尖锐,具有毒刺。)
6. The Ammodytoidei are related to other stingrays and electric rays within the order Rajiformes.('Ammodytoidei'与其他鳐科和电鳐科物种在鳐目中有亲缘关系。)
7. The evolutionary history of Ammodytoidei can be traced back to the Late Cretaceous period.('Ammodytoidei'的进化历史可以追溯到晚白垩世时期。)
8. The Ammodytoidei feed on small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.('Ammodytoidei'以小鱼、甲壳类动物和软体动物为食。)
9. The taxonomy of Ammodytoidei has been revised several times based on new genetic and morphological data.(根据新的遗传和形态学数据,'Ammodytoidei'的分类学已经多次修订。)