1. Felis catus是家猫的学名。
(Felis catus is the scientific name for domestic cats.)
2. Felis silvestris catus是家猫的野生祖先。
(Felis silvestris catus is the wild ancestor of domestic cats.)
3. Felis nigripes是黑足猫的学名。
(Felis nigripes is the scientific name for black-footed cats.)
4. Felis margarita是沙漠猫的学名。
(Felis margarita is the scientific name for sand cats.)
5. Felis chaus是草原猫的学名。
(Felis chaus is the scientific name for jungle cats.)
6. Felis bieti是云豹的学名。
(Felis bieti is the scientific name for Chinese mountain cats.)
7. Felis yagouaroundi是豹猫的学名。
(Felis yagouaroundi is the scientific name for jaguarundis.)
8. Felis uncia是雪豹的学名。
(Felis uncia is the scientific name for snow leopards.)
9. Felis leo是狮子的学名。
(Felis leo is the scientific name for lions.)