1. Cetorhinus maximus是世界上最大的鲨鱼之一,可以长达10米。(中文:Cetorhinus maximus is one of the largest sharks in the world, reaching up to 10 meters in length.)
2. 这条鲸鲨属于Cetorhinus属,可以轻松将我身上的任何东西咬碎。(中文:This whale shark belongs to the Cetorhinus genus and can easily crush anything on my body.)
3. Cetorhinus maximus以鱼类为食,主要生活在沿海水域。(中文:Cetorhinus maximus feeds on fish and mainly lives in coastal waters.)
4. 我们发现了一只受伤的Cetorhinus鲸鲨,需要紧急救治。(中文:We have found an injured Cetorhinus shark that needs urgent treatment.)
5. Cetorhinus属于软骨鱼类,没有骨骼,但它们有一层硬质结缔组织保护身体。(中文:Cetorhinus sharks belong to the cartilaginous fish family and do not have bones, but they have a layer of hard connective tissue that protects their bodies.)
6. 最近,科学家们发现了一种新的Cetorhinus亚种,被命名为Cetorhinus maximus pacificus。(中文:Recently, scientists have discovered a new subspecies of Cetorhinus, named Cetorhinus maximus pacificus.)
7. 这种大型鲨鱼Cetorhinus maximus通常可以在夏天的时候在沿海水域观察到。(中文:This large shark, Cetorhinus maximus, is usually observed in coastal waters during the summer.)
8. Cetorhinus鲸鲨是几乎全世界都能看到的物种,但它们正面临着严重的威胁。(中文:Cetorhinus sharks are a species that can be seen almost worldwide, but they are facing serious threats.)
9. 据估计,全球Cetorhinus鲸鲨的数量已经减少了70%。(中文:It is estimated that the number of Cetorhinus sharks worldwide has decreased by 70%.)