test是什么意思 test的读音、翻译、用法

test是什么意思 test的读音、翻译、用法



1. I have a math test tomorrow.(我明天有一场数学考试。)

2. The doctor ordered some tests to check my health condition.(医生安排了一些检测来检查我的健康状况。)

3. The company is conducting a market test to see if the new product will be popular.(公司正在进行市场测试,以确定新产品是否会受欢迎。)

4. The teacher gave us a spelling test on Friday.(老师在周五给我们做了一次拼字测试。)

5. The researchers conducted a series of tests to verify their hypothesis.(研究人员进行了一系列测试来验证他们的假设。)

6. They test every car before it leaves the factory.(他们在汽车离开工厂之前会对每辆车进行测试。)

7. I'm studying for my driver's license test.(我正在准备驾照考试。)

8. The athlete was suspended for failing a drug test.(这位运动员因未通过药检被禁赛。)

9. This software needs to undergo rigorous testing before it can be released to the public.(这个软件需要经过严格的测试才能发布给公众使用。)

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