Co是什么意思 Co的读音、翻译、用法

Co是什么意思 Co的读音、翻译、用法


1. The company values cooperation and teamwork.(公司重视合作和团队合作。)

2. The two countries agreed to coexist peacefully.(两个国家同意和平共处。)

3. The conference aims to promote communication among different industries.(会议旨在促进不同行业之间的交流。)

4. The company encourages employees to co-create innovative ideas.(公司鼓励员工共同创造创新的想法。)

5. The team co-designed the product to meet customer needs.(团队共同设计产品以满足客户需求。)

6. Co-parenting is becoming more common for divorced couples.(离异夫妇共同抚养子女变得越来越普遍。)

7. The two companies agreed to co-develop a new software program.(两家公司同意共同开发一个新的软件程序。)

8. The organizations established a co-funding partnership to support social welfare programs.(组织建立了共同资助伙伴关系以支持社会福利项目。)

9. The team members co-authored the research paper on climate change.(团队成员共同撰写了关于气候变化的研究论文。)

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