CAO是什么意思 CAO的读音、翻译、用法

CAO是什么意思 CAO的读音、翻译、用法



1. 我的CAO申请已经提交了,希望能被理想的大学录取。(英语)

My CAO application has been submitted, and I hope to be accepted by my dream university.(中文)

2. 尽管CAO系统出了一些小问题,但我还是顺利地报名了。(汉语)

Although there were some minor issues with the CAO system, I was still able to register successfully.(中文)

3. 我们学校的学生都在关注CAO的最新通知。(华语)

Students at our school are all following the latest updates on the CAO platform.(中文)

4. 要想成功地填报大学志愿,一定要认真研究CAO的操作手册。(英语)

If you want to successfully complete your university application, you must carefully study the CAO manual.(中文)

5. 由于大量考生使用CAO平台,系统有时会出现崩溃问题。(汉语)

Due to the large number of candidates using the CAO platform, the system sometimes crashes.(中文)

6. 请您务必在CAO截止日期前提交您的高考申请。(华语)

Please be sure to submit your college application via the CAO platform before the deadline.(中文)

7. 咨询师告诉我,我需要优先考虑我的CAO志愿列表。(英语)

The counselor told me that I need to prioritize my CAO application list.(中文)

8. 高中生们需要在CAO平台上注册账户,并提供准确的个人信息。(汉语)

High school students need to register an account on the CAO platform and provide accurate personal information.(中文)

9. 我在CAO上选择了三个大学专业,希望可以被其中任何一所录取。(华语)

I chose three university majors on the CAO platform, hoping to be accepted by any of them.(中文)

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