exhaustion是什么意思 exhaustion的读音、翻译、用法

exhaustion是什么意思 exhaustion的读音、翻译、用法



1. She collapsed from exhaustion after running a marathon. (她跑完马拉松之后筋疲力尽倒下了。)

2. The long hours of work eventually led to exhaustion. (长时间工作最终导致精疲力尽。)

3. The team suffered from exhaustion after playing three games in a row. (球队连续打了三场比赛后感到精疲力尽。)

4. The stress of the job caused him to suffer from exhaustion. (工作压力导致他精疲力尽。)

5. She was diagnosed with exhaustion and was advised to take a break. (她被诊断出精疲力尽,被建议休息。)

6. The athlete had to withdraw from the competition due to exhaustion. (运动员因为精疲力尽而被迫退出比赛。)

7. The doctor prescribed rest and relaxation for the patient suffering from exhaustion. (医生为患有精疲力尽的患者开了休息和放松的处方。)

8. The exhaustion from the long flight left him feeling drained. (长途飞行的疲惫让他感到筋疲力尽。)

9. She needed a break to recover from the exhaustion of caring for her sick child. (照顾生病孩子的疲惫让她需要休息来恢复。)

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