'mentha piperita' 是拉丁语,中文翻译为薄荷。薄荷是一种多年生草本植物,具有清凉解热、舒筋活络、止咳平喘等功效,常用于制作茶饮料、口香糖、牙膏等产品。
以下是9个含有 'mentha piperita' 的例句:
1. Mentha piperita is a popular herb used in many culinary applications. (薄荷是一种广泛用于许多烹饪应用的受欢迎的草本植物。)
2. The mentha piperita leaves have a strong, refreshing aroma. (薄荷叶具有强烈的清新香气。)
3. Mentha piperita has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. (薄荷已经被用于传统医学几个世纪了。)
4. The mentha piperita plant is easy to cultivate and grows quickly. (薄荷植物易于种植,生长迅速。)
5. Mentha piperita oil is often used as a natural remedy for headaches. (薄荷油常用作缓解头痛的天然疗法。)
6. You can add a few drops of mentha piperita oil to your bath for a relaxing soak. (您可以在浴缸中加入几滴薄荷油进行放松浸泡。)
7. Mentha piperita tea is a popular beverage in many countries. (薄荷茶是许多国家流行的饮料。)
8. The mentha piperita extract is an active ingredient in many skin care products. (薄荷提取物是许多护肤产品中的活性成分。)
9. Mentha piperita leaves can be used to make a refreshing and healthy salad. (薄荷叶可以用来制作清爽健康的沙拉。)