Oscar Zariski是什么意思 Oscar Zariski的读音、翻译、用法

Oscar Zariski是什么意思 Oscar Zariski的读音、翻译、用法

'Oscar Zariski'是英语词汇,中文翻译为“奥斯卡·扎里斯基”。它是数学领域中著名的代数几何学者名字,他是20世纪代数几何学的重要人物之一,对研究奇异点和拟置变形理论作出了杰出贡献。下面提供9个含有这个词语的例句。

1. Zariski topology is an important concept in algebraic geometry.(扎里斯基拓扑是代数几何中的重要概念。)

2. Oscar Zariski's theory on birational transformation has had a profound impact on algebraic geometry.(奥斯卡·扎里斯基的有理变换理论对代数几何领域产生了深远影响。)

3. An algebraic variety is said to be Zariski closed if it is closed in the Zariski topology.(如果代数簇在扎里斯基拓扑下是闭的,那么它就被称为扎里斯基闭的。)

4. The Zariski topology is sometimes called the constructible topology.(扎里斯基拓扑有时被称为可构拓扑。)

5. In his study of algebraic geometry, Oscar Zariski introduced the notion of tangency.(在他的代数几何研究中,奥斯卡·扎里斯基引入了切触的概念。)

6. Zariski's main contribution to the theory of algebraic surfaces is his work on resolution of singularities.(扎里斯基在代数曲面理论中的主要贡献是他在奇异点分解方面的研究。)

7. Zariski's theorem states that any projective algebraic variety is birationally equivalent to a unique projective variety having no singular points.(扎里斯基定理表明任何射影代数簇都可以有理等价于一个唯一的射影簇,它没有奇异点。)

8. Zariski's work on the study of algebraic groups has been an important contribution to the field of algebraic geometry.(扎里斯基在代数群研究方面的工作对代数几何领域做出了重要贡献。)

9. The Zariski topology is an important tool in the study of algebraic varieties over arbitrary fields.(扎里斯基拓扑是研究任意域上代数簇的重要工具。)

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