Ritto是什么意思 Ritto的读音、翻译、用法

Ritto是什么意思 Ritto的读音、翻译、用法




1. 昨晚我睡觉时手机响了个不停,那个'Ritto,Ritto'的声音把我吵醒了。(中文翻译:Last night my phone kept ringing and ringing while I was sleeping, the sound of 'Ritto, Ritto' woke me up.)

2. 每次有人按门铃时,门前就会响起刺耳的'Ritto'声。(中文翻译:Every time someone rings the doorbell, a shrill 'Ritto' can be heard outside the door.)

3. 桌上的电话一直在'Ritto'声中响,但是没人接听。(中文翻译:The phone on the table kept ringing with a 'Ritto' sound, but no one answered it.)

4. 在寺庙里,每当有人参拜时,铃声'Ritto'会响起。(中文翻译:In the temple, the bell rings with a 'Ritto' sound whenever someone comes to worship.)

5. 这只猫喜欢玩一种发出'Ritto'声的小铃铛。(中文翻译:This cat loves to play with a small bell that makes a 'Ritto' sound.)

6. 我的电子表一到整小时就会发出'Ritto'声。(中文翻译:My digital watch makes a 'Ritto' sound every hour on the hour.)

7. 这家餐厅的门前挂着一只古老的铜铃,每当有人进门时,铃声'Ritto'会响起。(中文翻译:There is an old brass bell hanging outside the door of this restaurant, and a 'Ritto' can be heard whenever someone enters.)

8. 那台机器每完成一次操作,就会发出一声响亮的'Ritto'。(中文翻译:The machine makes a loud 'Ritto' sound every time it completes an operation.)

9. 这个游戏中,每次接到金币时会发出一声'Ritto'。(中文翻译:In this game, a 'Ritto' can be heard every time you collect a coin.)

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