Cornaceae是什么意思 Cornaceae的读音、翻译、用法

Cornaceae是什么意思 Cornaceae的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Cornaceae'是拉丁语,是植物学上的一类植物科,中文翻译为山茱萸科。

2. 'Cornaceae'是一种被广泛应用于景观设计中的植物科,其中包括山茱萸、枫香、紫珠等。


1. The leaves of the dogwood, a plant in the Cornaceae family, turn a brilliant red in the fall. (狗木属于山茱萸科,其叶子在秋天会变成鲜红色。)

2. Cornaceae family plants are commonly used as ornamental plants in landscaping. (山茱萸科的植物常用作园林设计的装饰植物。)

3. The fruits of the Cornaceae family plants are often used to make preserves and jams. (山茱萸科植物的果实常用于制作果酱和蜜饯。)

4. The leaves of the dogwood, a plant in the Cornaceae family, are known for their distinctive shape. (狗木属于山茱萸科,其叶子因其独特的形状而闻名。)

5. Cornaceae family plants are tolerant of a wide range of soil types and moisture levels. (山茱萸科植物对多种土壤类型和水分水平具有耐受性。)

6. The bark of some Cornaceae family plants is often used in traditional medicine. (一些山茱萸科植物的树皮常用于传统医学中。)

7. The flowers of Cornaceae family plants are often used as a source of nectar for bees and other pollinators. (山茱萸科植物的花常被蜜蜂和其他传粉者用作花蜜的来源。)

8. Many of the Cornaceae family plants are native to North America, but can now be found growing in many other parts of the world. (许多山茱萸科植物原产于北美,但现在可以在世界上许多其他地区生长。)

9. The Cornaceae family includes both deciduous and evergreen plants, and can range in size from small shrubs to large trees. (山茱萸科包括落叶和常绿植物,大小可从小灌木到大树不等。)

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