1. The library is usually very quiet, but today there are a lot of people talking. (图书馆通常很安静,但今天有很多人在说话。)
2. She's a very quiet person and doesn't say much. (她是个很安静的人,不怎么说话。)
3. I like to have some quiet time to myself every day. (我喜欢每天给自己一些安静的时间。)
4. He quietly entered the room, hoping not to wake anyone up. (他悄悄地进了房间,希望不会吵醒任何人。)
5. The baby finally fell asleep and the house was quiet. (宝宝终于睡着了,房间里变得安静了。)
6. She tried to quiet her racing thoughts by taking deep breaths. (她试图通过深呼吸来平静内心快速的思维。)
7. The protesters grew quiet when the police arrived. (当警察到达时,抗议者安静下来了。)
8. The teacher asked for quiet in the classroom so the students could concentrate. (老师要求课堂上保持安静,以便学生能集中注意力。)
9. He found solace in the quiet of nature after a long day at work. (在一天的工作后,他在大自然的安静中找到了慰藉。)