1. Amphibia是一类爬行动物,具有双生殖腺和无鳞皮肤。
(英文:Amphibia are a class of tetrapod vertebrates with double reproductive glands and scaleless skin.)
2. 这个湖泊中有很多种不同类型的Amphibia。
(英文:There are many different types of amphibians in this lake.)
3. Amphibia有着各种复杂的生态系统。
(英文:Amphibians have a variety of complex ecosystems.)
4. 今年暑假,我决定研究Amphibia的栖息地。
(英文:This summer, I plan to study the habitat of amphibians.)
5. 有些Amphibia可以呼吸水和空气。
(英文:Some amphibians can breathe both water and air.)
6. Amphibia在繁殖季节呈现出特殊的颜色和声音。
(英文:Amphibians exhibit unique colors and sounds during the breeding season.)
7. 这个自然保护区的主要亮点之一是丰富多样的Amphibia。
(英文:One of the main highlights of this nature reserve is the diverse amphibian population.)
8. 蝾螈是一种非常普遍的Amphibia,有支撑性的尾巴和四只脚。
(英文:Salamanders are a very common amphibian with supportive tails and four legs.)
9. 通过对Amphibia行为的观察,我们可以更好地了解它们的习惯和生存方式。
(英文:By observing the behavior of amphibians, we can better understand their habits and survival strategies.)