Cichlidae是什么意思 Cichlidae的读音、翻译、用法

Cichlidae是什么意思 Cichlidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Cichlidae family of fish is known for its brilliant colors and lively personalities.(慈鲷科的鱼因其炫目的颜色和活泼的性格而闻名。)

2. The Mbuna cichlids are a popular aquarium fish from the Cichlidae family.(石鲈鱼是慈鲷科家族中受欢迎的水族馆鱼种之一。)

3. The Cichlidae family is sometimes called the "river monsters" because of their large size.(慈鲷科家族有时被称为“河流怪兽”,因为它们体型庞大。)

4. The Cichlidae family includes many species that are highly prized by aquarium enthusiasts.(慈鲷科家族包括许多受水族爱好者推崇的物种。)

5. Some Cichlidae species have unique mating rituals, such as building elaborate nests to attract a mate.(某些慈鲷科物种拥有独特的交配仪式,如建造复杂的巢穴来吸引配偶。)

6. Cichlidae fish are often territorial and will defend their space from other fish.(慈鲷科鱼类通常具有领土意识,会保卫自己的领地。)

7. The Cichlidae family is divided into several subfamilies, each with its own distinctive traits.(慈鲷科家族被分为几个亚科,每个亚科都具有自己独特的特征。)

8. Cichlidae are an important food source for many people in Africa and South America.(慈鲷科是非洲和南美洲许多人的重要食物来源。)

9. Scientists continue to discover new Cichlidae species in remote parts of the world.(科学家们在世界上偏远的地区不断发现新的慈鲷科物种。)

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