negative是什么意思 negative的读音、翻译、用法

negative是什么意思 negative的读音、翻译、用法




1. I hope you stay away from negative people who only bring you down.(我希望你远离那些只会让你沮丧的消极人。)

2. The weather forecast for tomorrow is negative, so we'd better cancel the outdoor activity.(明天的天气预报是不好的,所以我们最好取消户外活动。)

3. She always has a negative attitude towards new challenges.(她总是对新的挑战持否定态度。)

4. The test result came back negative, which means you don't have the virus.(检测结果是阴性,这意味着你没有病毒。)

5. Don't focus on the negative aspects of the situation, try to find solutions instead.(不要只看到局势的负面,相反要尝试寻找解决办法。)

6. He received a lot of negative feedback on his performance in the play.(他在剧中表现得到了很多负面的反馈。)

7. The company's financial report shows a negative growth rate this quarter.(该公司本季度的财务报告显示了负的增长率。)

8. She tested the product for a week and wrote a negative review about it.(她试用了这个产品一周,然后撰写了一篇不佳的评论。)

9. The speaker was interrupted by the audience's negative reaction.(听众的反应让演讲者被迫中途停止。)

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