phi是什么意思 phi的读音、翻译、用法

phi是什么意思 phi的读音、翻译、用法

'phi' 并不是一种国家的语言,它是指一种数学符号,表示黄金比例或黄金分割,即1:1.618。在数学领域,它被广泛应用于美学、建筑以及自然科学方面的研究中。



1. The ratio of the length of the shorter side to the longer side of a golden rectangle is phi. (一个黄金矩形的短边长度与长边长度的比值是phi。)

2. The spiral curve of a nautilus shell follows the logarithmic spiral with a golden ratio of phi. (鹦鹉螺壳的旋转曲线遵循以phi为黄金比例的对数螺线。)

3. The golden ratio is often found in the proportions of the human body. (黄金比例经常出现在人体的比例中。)

4. The Great Pyramid of Giza was designed using the principles of phi. (吉萨金字塔的设计应用了phi的原理。)

5. The petals on a sunflower follow the spiral pattern of phi. (向日葵的花瓣遵循phi的螺旋图案。)

6. Phi is the ratio of the distance between the Earth and the moon to the radius of the Earth. (phi是地球和月球之间距离与地球半径的比值。)

7. Many famous pieces of artwork have used the golden ratio of phi in their composition. (许多著名的艺术作品在构图中使用了phi的黄金比例。)

8. The Fibonacci sequence is closely related to phi. (斐波那契数列与phi紧密相关。)

9. The dimensions of the Parthenon in Athens were based on phi. (雅典帕台农神庙的尺寸基于phi的原则。)

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