'Valsa leucostoma'是拉丁语,用中文翻译为“白口镰孢”。这是一种真菌,常见于水果树木上,特别是桃树和李树上。它可以引起水果树的病变,导致水果减产或变质。
以下是9个含有'Valsa leucostoma'的例句,使用的语言为英语:
1. The peach trees in the orchard are infected with Valsa leucostoma, which is causing a reduction in fruit yield.(果园里的桃树感染了白口镰孢,导致水果产量减少。)
2. Valsa leucostoma is a common fungal pathogen of stone fruit trees.(白口镰孢是石果树的常见真菌病原体。)
3. Infected trees exhibit dieback, wilting, and a white, powdery growth of Valsa leucostoma on the bark.(感染的树木表现为枯死、萎蔫,树皮上有白色粉状的白口镰孢生长。)
4. The spread of Valsa leucostoma can be minimized by practicing good sanitation in the orchard.(在果园中实行良好的卫生措施可以最小化白口镰孢的传播。)
5. Valsa leucostoma has a short life cycle and can produce large numbers of spores, allowing it to spread quickly from tree to tree.(白口镰孢的生命周期短,可以产生大量的孢子,使其能够快速从树木传播。)
6. Pruning infected branches and removing infected fruit can help control the spread of Valsa leucostoma.(修剪感染的枝条和摘除感染的水果可以帮助控制白口镰孢的传播。)
7. Valsa leucostoma is particularly damaging to young trees, which may be killed by the disease.(白口镰孢对年轻树木特别有害,可能会被病害杀死。)
8. The use of fungicides can be effective in controlling Valsa leucostoma, but should be done in combination with other management practices.(使用杀菌剂可以有效控制白口镰孢,但应与其他管理措施结合使用。)
9. Research is ongoing to develop new methods of controlling Valsa leucostoma, as resistance to traditional fungicides has been observed in some populations.(正在进行研究,以开发控制白口镰孢的新方法,因为在一些人群中观察到传统杀菌剂的抗性。)