billion是什么意思 billion的读音、翻译、用法

billion是什么意思 billion的读音、翻译、用法



1. The company earned billions of dollars in profit last year.(这家公司去年赚了数十亿美元的利润。)

2. The population of China is over 1.4 billion. (中国的人口超过14亿。)

3. The cost of the project will be several billion dollars. (这个项目的成本将达数十亿美元。)

4. The football club's owner is worth several billion dollars. (这个足球俱乐部的老板身价数十亿美元。)

5. The new spacecraft project will cost billions of dollars. (新的宇宙飞船项目将耗费数十亿美元。)

6. The government invested billions in education last year. (政府去年在教育方面投资了数十亿美元。)

7. The film made over a billion dollars at the box office. (这部电影在票房上赚了超过十亿美元。)

8. The CEO donated billions to charity. (这位首席执行官捐赠了数十亿美元给慈善事业。)

9. The company plans to spend billions on research and development. (这家公司计划在研究和开发方面投入数十亿美元。)

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