Hibiscus macrophyllus是什么意思 Hibiscus macrophyllus的读音、翻译、用法

Hibiscus macrophyllus是什么意思 Hibiscus macrophyllus的读音、翻译、用法

这个词语是英语词汇,可以翻译为“大叶芙蓉”。Hibiscus macrophyllus是芙蓉科植物中一种常见的品种,可以在温带和热带地区生长,因其大叶和鲜艳的花朵而受到欢迎。


1. Hibiscus macrophyllus is a popular ornamental plant in many gardens. (大叶芙蓉在许多花园中是一种受欢迎的观赏植物。)

2. I saw a beautiful Hibiscus macrophyllus in the park yesterday. (昨天在公园里,我看到了一朵美丽的大叶芙蓉。)

3. The Hibiscus macrophyllus has a strong root system that makes it tolerant to drought. (大叶芙蓉拥有强大的根系,能够耐旱。)

4. The leaves of Hibiscus macrophyllus are often used in traditional medicine to treat certain ailments. (大叶芙蓉的叶子常用于传统医学中治疗某些疾病。)

5. The red flowers of Hibiscus macrophyllus are very striking and can brighten up any garden. (大叶芙蓉的红色花朵非常醒目,可以让任何花园变得明亮。)

6. Hibiscus macrophyllus is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. (大叶芙蓉通常生长在热带和亚热带地区。)

7. The Hibiscus macrophyllus is also known as the Large-leafed Hibiscus. (大叶芙蓉也被称为大叶芙蓉。)

8. The Hibiscus macrophyllus is a popular ingredient in many herbal teas. (大叶芙蓉是许多草药茶中常见的成分。)

9. The Hibiscus macrophyllus is a hardy plant that can withstand a wide range of growing conditions. (大叶芙蓉是一种能够适应各种生长条件的坚韧植物。)

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