'Cao Zhang'是汉语拼音,是指一位汉朝时期的将领曹操的儿子曹彰。常见翻译为Cao Zhang或曹彰。在历史上,他是以勇猛善战著称的将领,但也因为性格暴躁而被批评。现在,人们也常用这个词语来形容勇猛善战的人。
1. Cao Zhang在官渡之战中射杀了张飞。Cao Zhang shot and killed Zhang Fei in the battle of Guandu.
2. 他表现出了Cao Zhang般的勇猛。He showed the bravery like Cao Zhang.
3. 传说Cao Zhang曾经单枪匹马杀入敌阵。Legend has it that Cao Zhang once entered the enemy camp alone.
4. 他的勇气和Cao Zhang相当。His courage is comparable to that of Cao Zhang.
5. 曹操视Cao Zhang为骄纵难管之子。Cao Cao regarded Cao Zhang as a spoiled and uncontrollable son.
6. Cao Zhang的兵器是一把钩镰枪。Cao Zhang's weapon was a hooked spear.
7. Cao Zhang的胸膛上有一朵五彩缤纷的莲花纹身。Cao Zhang had a colorful lotus tattoo on his chest.
8. Cao Zhang在亲兵的保护下闯入了敌营。Cao Zhang broke into the enemy camp under the protection of his guards.
9. 传说Cao Zhang去世时只有xx岁。Legend has it that Cao Zhang died at the age of only 19.