ANT是什么意思 ANT的读音、翻译、用法

ANT是什么意思 ANT的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'ANT'是英语中的词语,翻译成中文是“蚂蚁”。

2. ANT可用于形容一个种类的小昆虫,通常是黑色或红色的,具有强烈的集群意识,通过团队合作来完成任务。它们通常生活在地下或树枝上,并对食物非常感兴趣。

3. 以下是9个含有ANT的例句:

- The ants were marching in a straight line towards the food.(蚂蚁们一路直线行进,朝着食物前进。)

- Ants build their nests in soil or wood.(蚂蚁在土壤或木材中筑巢。)

- The ant colony was busy carrying food back to the nest.(蚂蚁群正忙着将食物运回巢穴。)

- The ant queen is responsible for laying eggs and reproducing the colony.(蚂蚁女王负责产卵和繁殖整个群体。)

- The ant hill was destroyed by the gardener.(园丁摧毁了蚂蚁丘。)

- Ants can lift objects 50 times their own weight.(蚂蚁可以扛起自己体重50倍的物体。)

- The ant colony was invaded by a rival group.(蚂蚁群体被入侵了一个竞争对手组织。)

- The ants swarmed over the spilled sugar.(蚂蚁汹涌而至,朝着洒落的糖走去。)

- Ants communicate through the use of pheromones.(蚂蚁通过信息素进行交流。)

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