1. Malacosoma disstria是一种常见的软丝茧蛾,它会危害森林的生态系统。
(Malacosoma disstria is a common species of tent caterpillar, which can threaten the ecosystem of forests.)
2. 许多人喜欢养毛毛虫,其中最受欢迎的是软丝茧蛾幼虫。
(Many people enjoy raising caterpillars, and the most popular one is the malacosoma larva.)
3. 软丝茧蛾的幼虫在成长过程中需要大量食物,会吞食大量的树叶。
(The caterpillar of the tent caterpillar requires a lot of food during its growth process and may eat a large amount of leaves.)
4. 在春季,你可以在树枝上看到软丝茧蛾的蚕茧。
(In the spring, you can see the tent caterpillar's cocoon on tree branches.)
5. 软丝茧蛾的羽化期长达两个星期,而成虫只有短短的一周寿命。
(The tent caterpillar's pupal stage lasts for two weeks, while the adult moth only lives for a short week.)
6. 软丝茧蛾的毛毛虫在行动时通常会排列成单列队形。
(Tent caterpillar larvae usually travel in single-file lines.)
7. 一些人相信软丝茧蛾的毛毛虫可以作为治疗哮喘的天然疗法。
(Some people believe that the caterpillars of tent caterpillars can serve as a natural remedy for asthma.)
8. 软丝茧蛾的幼虫有时会在树上形成一个大型的蚕茧,被称为“帐篷”,在风中随飘。
(The larvae of the tent caterpillar sometimes form a large cocoon on the tree, known as a "tent," which can sway in the wind.)
9. 软丝茧蛾能够迅速繁殖,成为森林中的害虫。
(The tent caterpillar can reproduce quickly and become a pest in the forest.)